1. Housing Search:
    Our team of experts wants to make sure that the services you receive are exactly what you were looking for. Not sure what the type of senior housing your loved one needs. We provide you with a free consultation and a personalized solution depending on your care needs. We will carefully compile a list of options to suit your need, taking into consideration, care needs, budget and geographical preference. Those options include, independent living, assisted living, memory care, supportive living, senior apartments and more. In some cases we are able to assist with touring and providing support during the selection process.
  2. In Home Care:
    We recognize that some families prefer to keep their loved ones in the comfort of home as long as it is safe to do so. Providing options for in-home care is also one of the services we offer. We provide a list of options for you to choose from and will arrange for in-home, hospital or skilled nursing assessments of your loved one. We will provide support as you navigate this process.
  3. Senior Marketing Support:
    We provide assistance and support in many aspects of senior care marketing. This includes
  4. Be Dementia Friendly
    More to come.
  5. Links of Note
    More to come.
  6. Community Resources
    In many cases when needed, we can recommend additional resources to help with your decision making. These include, but are not limited to Elder Law Attorneys, Geriatric Care Managers, Care Coordinators, Social Workers, Physicians, Professional Guardians/POA, Transportation Providers, Bill Paying Services, Professional Organizers, Realtors, Senior Move Managers, Veteran Benefits Advisors and more.